Thursday, 8 October 2009

Celebration of Books

Last week, we talked to Mrs Eagle about the upcoming celebration of books. Here's what you can expect:

Monday 9th November

On the Monday, 6 students from 11 schools throughout Swindon (girls and boys from Year 7, 8 and 9) will be going to Dorcan School for a book quiz.

Tuesday 10th November

On the Tuesday, 'spread the word' will be happening: 4 schools, 4 novels, 36 students and only one winner! "You can find out on the 11th which book will be the winner, then you have the chance to see if you agree!" Mrs Eagle said, also stating that Patrick Ness is going to be coming to Greendown, which will act as a host to the many different schools that will be coming to workshops with him.

Wednesday 11th November

Pupils will have a chance to meet Sarach Singleton!

Thursday 12th November

Year 7 students will be working with Year 6's from partner schools, having a chance to take part in drama and poetry workshops for children who will be coming up to Greendown.

Friday 13th November

This is the day of the headline act. 50 people are going to see Darren Shan at the Wyvern Theatre, which will be a free event. Mrs Eagle said that if you have entered for a chance to get a place on this great trip, bringing a book for him to sign is highly advised! At the same time as this event will be happening, another book author, Fred Blunt (a comic writer) will be doing a workshop in school, shared with Isambard, to do story-boards and cartoon drawings.


There will be an Illustration Competition for Year 11, based on the book called 'Bog Child'. Speak to Mrs Eagle for more information.

'Send a Friend' has now gone global! This is, for those who don't know, when you send a recommendation to annother person of the same age and gender around Swindon.

By Josh Talbot
Year 9

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