Tuesday, 14 October 2008

'Dads and Lads' Saturday October 10th - Huge success!

Dads and Lads
Saturday October 10th 2008

I, Introduction

The day had started long before the participants arrived with the setting up of all the events. Early arrivals were more than welcoming, filling up drinking bottles and arranging bits and bobs. After an initial panic that far more had arrived than planned for “boules” had to be scrapped! Once all the admin had been sorted thanks to Mr Harding’s invaluable help. But what weather, 20 degrees and not a cloud in the October sky! It had to be straight out onto the All Weather Surface as soon as possible!

The teams were given 100 points. Thanks to Alex Osbourne (Dad of Harley 8CAL) took like a duck to water and helped out greatly, in the enrolling process, many thanks. Year 9s were given a 5 point extra head start, year 8s 10 and year7s 15. More interestingly the adults were asked to rate themselves on how “sporty” they were from 1 (“couch potato”) to 5 (“”Olympic athlete status), which in itself was interesting.

The rules were then explained and a little introduction as to why we were here and what it was hoped would be achieved.

II, Event One~ Danish Long Ball

The Lads immediately showed the way with encouragement that almost became a din of albeit positive clamour and encouragement! The adults responded and latched onto the thriving positivity. It was a three inning affair, 24-7 to the odd numbered teams! There were a few performances of note and it is essential that this sport continues to appear in future additions! It was precious because it was the sport that everyone played in together, it really did set the scene!

The adults and Greendown pupils both seemed to warm to the off-the-cuff inclusion of not just 20 or 25 points for each game, but also 5 or 10 points if participants were “caught being good”:
· Applauding sportingly even when success was relative
· Encouraging anyone to strive to do better
· Helping fellow team members or even opponents in any way

A couple of typical examples of this were:
ü On the sidelines during the game, a Dad showing a Lad how to side step and not slip on the sidelines
ü rapturous applause for effort and not just point scoring
ü positive cajoling of Lads by Dads when they appeared initially look downhearted

It was a great sight, odds beat evens 24-9 at the bottom of the second inning … baseball fans would understand!
It was time to go outside into the glorious sun! Just before going outside the Photograph gathered us in for a group photo. Another moment for everyone to bond as one group!

III, Events Two & Three ~ 5-a-side and Tag Rugby

As the two games of football, Dad’s 5-a-side and Lad’s Penalty Shoot Out were about to be initiated Hywel volunteered to “tackle” tag rugby, meaning he took on “modelling” the game then coaching and picking out players for a special mention at the end for effort. While the Dads then the Lads “Tagged” the others played football, the level of engagement and encouragement was excellent without ever straying into anything too vigorous, save one or two protests at Mr Radford’s refereeing decisions,

IV, Event Four ~ Penalty Shoot Out

The stage was set for the totals to be worked out as we came to the end of our events. Those with lower totals kicked off, Dads taking against Lads then vice versa. At the start of this the Advertiser reporter arrived and interviewed Pedro and Steve about their initial impressions about the day. There was some good penalty taking and all had now grown accustomed to the cheering and clamouring for the Lads to outdo the Dads they were taking spots kicks against!

In our mini final Pedro and Steve held their nerve and won their shoot out, despite the clamourings for it to all go to another final with out champions falling at the last hurdle and finishing third.

We then locked and tidied the AWS and went into the Old Sports Hall. Dads and Lads dutifully filled in their feedback sheets to help future events to be even better.

A final thank you was then spoken. We reflected on what the day had meant to us all. The issuing of medals followed and talk of a Second Dads and Lads event sprung up.

V, Final Thoughts
Steve Townsend and Pedro Martinez were Greendown’s Inaugural Champions.

I can find no other way more apt than to finish by quoting Steve. On his feedback form he said ;

“Really enjoyed this morning, been looking for something like this to bring me closer to Pedro”
Marc Radford

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